From Kent, With Love: Ian Fleming & James Bond -  The Kentish Connection
Ian Fleming with Amhert Villiers' 4.5 litre Bentley Amherst Villiers' 4.5 litre convertible Bentley coupe
Ian Fleming (1908-1964) Amherst Villiers' 4.5 litre convertible Bentley coupe

John McLusky's version of Bond's Bentley from the MOONRAKER comic strip

Towards the end of the novel MOONRAKER, Bond and the villain engage in a breakneck car chase on the A20 from London to Kingsdown, with 007 driving his 4.5-litre convertible coupé Bentley in pursuit of Sir Hugo Drax in his Mercedes 300S. The only way Drax can stop Bond from catching him is to have his henchman Willy Krebs cut loose 14 tons of rolled newsprint on Charing Hill (just outside Ashford), which is being carried by lorry to Faversham, and which comes crashing down on Bond’s Bentley. The finale of the novel has Bond altering the gyroscopic setting of the rocket, which is aimed at central London, in order it lands safely in the English Channel.

MOONRAKER qoute - beware cliff edge
Kent map showing MOONRAKER locations Kent map showing MOONRAKER locations
Kent map showing MOONRAKER locations Kent map showing MOONRAKER locations